Then around 1900, Bertha L. Corbett self published her first book of darling is girls whose view of the face was obstucted. The photos above are examples of how her drawings appear when appliqued in fabric. What she had to say is quoted in the box to the left. Although the face is so very expressive, these delightful drawings prove that they certainly are not the soul source of expression. Perhaps Miss Corbett had the same problem that I have drawing faces. I seem to be able to handle simple body parts, but when it comes to faces, I am never happy with what springs forth from my fingers. If this is the case, I surely wish she could know just how successfully famous her little faceless people are today. The Sunbonnet Sue/Overall Bill is as beloved in quilt patterns today as it has always been. If you don't believe me, just do a search and you will be amazed. Dutch Doll is the name of the little simple girl that adorns my family quilts. I have learned that this is a southern, regional name. Replicas of Miss Corbetts drawings appeared in Ladies Art publications as Redwork patterns in 1906. Strangely enough the name Sunbonnet Sue did not appear until the 1930s.
Mother's December Calendar Quilt Block is typical for Christmas.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Miss Sue------------------------------------what will be under your tree?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What will your Christmas Fun be?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you love to play with dolls? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have Tea Party's------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Give friends a call?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh Miss Sue----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tell me once and for all----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the truth is girl------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU LOVE BASKETBALL!

If your interest in SBS is now in peak form, see My Side Bar for Sunbonnet Sue links. Girls--this magazine that includes patterns typical of Miss Corbett is called Stitch and Sew and is from April 1988. I would love to share the patterns with you, but I don't know if they are copyrighted. If I can find out if I can, I certainly will. They are precious. More Sue next Sunday.
Molly, what an interesting post. You are always so thoughtful with these kinds of things and bring to our quilting world a different perspective. Way that deep or what?
CC, Do and myself would love these Sues. Will the Sues like to go to our Suestreehouse for tea, we have some American Pecan Pies (from CC), English Muffins (from Do) and Singapore Kuehs (from Alice).
Hi Molly,
I love these sweet Sues... I just love all Sues. :). I have 2 more patterns posted..one my original Warbonnet Sue and the other Sue baby..where that came from, I don't remember. I've tried to adjust the comments section so you can leave a reply, but I fear I am not all that puter savy. Will you please tell me how and what to do. Pretty please??? :)
p.s. I love your blog more each time I visit..
HI Molly..
Maybe I got it right this time..I hope so. Give it a try now..amd thanks for your help.
P.S. I found my darker copy of Warbonnet Sue and posted her.. I hope it helps, I know I can see it better.
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