Well, it's been a long time coming, I think. I hope you all are ready. I am not COMPLETELY ready, but I am ready enough to start (I hope). This is why I do free patterns--you can't charge people when stuff might go wrong! Well, enough of the negative. The Tree Time BOM of 2010 went really well, I think, for my first, so I am going to try again. I hope you will join me in 2011 to make a quilt that represents a TEXAS ICON, THE COWBOY BOOT!
Simple stitches made by hand or machine are used with cotton and some wool for my 8 inch finished blocks. They are designed to be month appropriate and include the embroidered month, but you can easily leave it off and change the additions and colors so that they are not month appropriate. Please "Make them Your Own", as I have preached before so that yours will not look exactly like mine. Let the designer in you shine. I am just giving you a head start.
Sew and I MEAN SEW--get started and when you are done, let me have it!! Literally!! and I will blog them on a special Boot Bash page on my blog. If there are enough, I will set up a Flickr group.
Remember--no bitchin, only stitchin!!
(My new motto!)

I'm going to try this one too. I loved tree time and I think i'll love this one too. My husband is a "cowboy" and loves his boots and hats, I should finish this in time for him next christmas. thanks molly
It looks really nice, Molly. Too bad I have had to accept the reality that I do NOT keep up with any kind of BOM project, so I'll just enjoy watching from the sidelines!
G'day Molly ~ What a cute design ... these boots are made for walkin' ... right into the New Year.
Pop over for our lovely CSN GIVEAWAY!
Have a beautiful New Year ~
Hugs, Marydon
Too cute!!! I wear cowboy boots every day so I might just need one of these!
Love the new motto! I can't wait to get started on the January boot. Thanks, Molly.
I'm going to give this a try. I really haven't appliqued before, although I have done the blanket stich on other projects. Well it's a new year, so there is no time like the present to start something new.
I know you said to use our own creativity. But would you mind sharing a bit more of your process. I'm curious to know did you make your's the size of the print out. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for sharing!
Molly, I'd love to take part in your bom - but - Google is asking me to sign in and I cannot remember my password. :( I really do not need to have yet another password to remember - do you HAVE to use google to distribute this pdf?
We dress western here in Alberta too, so I'm going to start on this right after I shop for a little fabric. The first block is lookin' good!
What a great idea. My DH is a B Western Cowboy nut and has a large collection of posters, books, and stuff. He will love this quilt and it will go great in the room where he displays everything he has collected.
So cute! I put your button on my blog.
This Texas gal is ready start stichin up on the January block!!! Thanks so much for sharing this BOM with all of us! Kathy
now this i can get into..love your boots!!
your wanna be cowgirl in a big city
Gosh! I LOVE your motto!!! LOL!!! If I didn't bitch, I COULDN'T stitch!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!
Hi, Molly, love this BOM! I live in Alberta, where we have LOTS of cowboys LOL
I have a Google account, but when I log in, it says the page/pattern is not available. I will check back later, but would also prefer PDF or something easier to access.
Gerda in Alberta, Canada
Ye-Haw! I've been looking forward to this BOM! It's so freakin cute! I love cowboy boots! I can't access the pattern either. It says Google can't get it. I'll check back later too! thank you so much!
thanks for this, I have a friend who loves country music and would love this boot! Thanks so much for sharing.
I love your Texas Boot, but am not able to pull up a file. I think I'm having the same problem as Gerda and Jen (above). I'll keep checking back to see whether anything changes
I have wanted to do a boot quilt for some time now...I think this is the one I am excited. Thanks
OMG how much fun is this! Just found your site and I love the music and the pattern. I put your button on my blog:
Now I want to go do some boot-scootin!
Thanks! The boot is adorable. I just found your tree collection recently and hope to start it later this year, after I clean up some UFOs in the pile.
Very cute! I love it. Is the PDF the actual size that you did or did you enlarge the block any? Thank you so much. Looking forward to stitching with everyone.
I have my first one done, yahhhh!. Did you start a flickr group. I'll go upload mine and search. Thanks again Molly.
I love your idea. How I can get the pattern?. Thank you very much.
Carmen. (Spain)
Could you tell us what size block should Boot Bash be when unfinished? I didn't see this information; love your blocks and can't wait to do this quilt. Thanks, Lois from Kansas
Help !! I don't know how to get the pattern either ? What did I miss ? Please help, I'd love to do these ! Thanks
Oh my gosh!! This is just the kind of quilt pattern I have been looking for. (I'm from Texas too)! Now if I can just have the patience to do a BOM. I love the first 2 blocks. Thanks so much. :)
Wonderful site! It speaks to my heart starting with the top pics. I have file after file of patterns, but do not start any. The boots are going to be the one that I start working on. Thanks!
I need to know the size of the blocks for the Boot Bash, before I start them. Please send me an e-mail: scrapquilter41@yahoo.com
Hi, Molly, I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I posted your Boot Bash BOM on my blog. I love the first two blocks and look forward to seeing the next ones! Thanks for sharing. Love your blog!
Oh my!!! I absolutely LOVE the boot blocks!!! So amazing!!! will you be posting a block for each month of the year?
I found your site by way of Country Whispers Blog last month and I just wanted to say I love every block you have designed so far for the Boot Bash. I have already downloaded the first 7 blocks and have the first three months completed. I will send you pics of the blocks as soon as I catch up with everyone! I love everything country and western, and you are so talented, thanks for the great designs.
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