When DH is working, I have the awesome responsibility of watching our heifers. They are ready to calve any minute. I have to keep an eye on them in case they have trouble. Sid has been working his 4 days for the month--today is his last day and I thought I was home free. The heifers are in the East Field pasture just behind our house so we can keep an eye on them easily. I got up this morning and stepped out on the patio to see if there was any "activity". I saw one little girl down by the tank (maybe pond where you come from) by herself. Just getting a drink, I thought to myself, and I noticed a small brown lump not far from where she was standing. Maybe a gopher hill, I thought---I will come back in a minute and look again. I got a cup of coffee and went back. She was laying down by the lump---hhhhhmmmm. Well, if that is a calf, then she has had it and all is well. I got dressed and decided to get the binoculars and see if I could tell if the lump was a calf. She was standing up and licking a calf (not the lump)! It was NOT moving! I stared for a couple of minutes trying so hard to see if it was moving.-----Nothing. Well, if it is dead, there is nothing I can do at this point, so I will get dressed and drive down and see what is going on. As I was walking from the house to the truck, I could see the calf standing up and then------THE LUMP GOT UP TOO!! We have twins!!

I am going back shortly to check on them (and others) so if I can get another cute picture, I will update the post. Maybe not such a wonderful thing to you, but here on Fryer Ranch, it is one great day!! Not only for this first time mother to have a successful birth, but a double one at that (no wonder she looked as if she would pop). This is one reason I stay around here!!

They are SO cute! I have a new dog at my house..he is cute too..but I think yours win hands down! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh they are so cute!
The twins looked so adorable and cute.
Oh they are so cute. I'm not showing Gemma though as she'll want one. For all that she says she wants to be a car designer I think she'll end up as a farmers wife, or even the farmer.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Very beautiful
Mama from http://www.sirpriz.com from france
Free swap gift community
I just want to kiss those fuzzy little lips. What a blessed holiday surprise!!
Oh Molly! They are adorable! It is quite the miricle . . . life!
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