I am sew sew excited!! My first BOM is now launched. I have (and still do) had many questions on the "how to's" of this deal, but maybe I have finally figured out a way to get the patterns to you. I have downloaded them in Google Docs.
CLICK HERE for the general directions/supply list of the BOM. The link underneath the button is the directions/picture/pattern for Block 1 and where a link for each block will eventually be posted. I have started with a simple series with a more complicated one in the works. SEW--if this one works out for us all, my rendition of a BOM called "BOOT BOOGIE" will debut in 2011. Tree Time will be 12 Christmas Tree Embroidered blocks with a small amount of wool applique. Since my first block is being launched in February, I will be adding a block around the first of each month (hopefully hehehe), but at some point in the year, I will add one in the middle of the month to play catch up. This way we will be finishing up in December and if you are zealous enough, can have a quilt ready, at least to put together, during the Christmas season.
Please join me for "Tree Time". If you make any of my blocks, I would love to see them. Either email me a pic that I can blog or blog it yourself, but be sure to let me know so that I can link to it. If we have enough participants, we might even have a Flickr group.
Thanks so much and please let me hear what you think.
Feel free to take my button and link back to my Tree Time post. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Molly I just love your block So simple So effective. It is just gorgeous. Cannot wait to see the rest.
Oh I love your tree , so cute!!! Hope I can follow your BOM with all my UFO's waiting. But I'll try and I have put your button on my sidebar.
Your Bunny Hill BOM Blocks are so lovely.I am looking forward to see the quilt put together. I still have three blocks to do....
Have a great day
What a cute tree.....I am hoping to do your BOM and keep up with it. Thanks for making the first one simple....as maybe I'll be motivated to start and then will keep going!
I can't seem to get the directions to print full-sized...which won't be that critical with the tree as it's simple enough I can figure it out myself, but I can't get it to print any larger than a 4 inch by 6 inch size. (Maybe I don't know how to do this from Picasa???? Any suggestions??)
Molly I love your BOM, it`s very cute and your Bunny Hill is lovely.
Molly, GREAT! I'm going to love this!
Have you ever used
Very cute block. Mine printed quite big - took up all of a letter size page. What size should the block be?
Unfortunately this is what I see when I click on your link.
Sorry, the page (or document) you have requested is not available.
Your fist tree is so cute, thank you for sharing with us,
molly, it is my fist time to do such a kind of sew, but I will try it - I hope I make it right
love from austria Karin
This is so cute. I love it!!! May I mention it on my Wooly Buddies Yahoo group?
Hi :-)
I follow your BOM and have made the first one - take a look at my blog.
Kindness from Helle, Denmark
Very cute and original! Thank you!
I'm so excited. I was looking online for Texas quilt patterns and there you were. I will be doing your block in the next couple weeks. Hopefully I can keep up.
Very cute, thanks so much..!!
your trees are so cute. thanks for sharing with us. merci beaucoup
Such a cute BOM! I hope I can find time to make it (O: Love the simple but so pretty pattern!!!
Thank you so much for these nice trees... I put my trees in the Gallery...
Tes Petits sapins sont trop trop jolis.
C'est grâce à une copine internaute (Clo de suisse) que je les ai découverts.
J'ai brodé les deux premiers et je vais voir comment les mettre dans la galerie.
Sinon, comment faire pour t'envoyer mes photos ???
This is such a lovely BOM and I have joined and really hope to get some of them done for this Christmas. I have mentioned you on my blog and provided a link - hope you can come by..... Hugz from Bubz
I came over from BubzRugz and I am definitely going to do this one. Thanks,
Mama Bear
Cute quilt. I have downloaded the blocks 1-6 and 8 with no problems. But every time I try to download block #7 I get an error - Sorry, the page (or document) you have requested is not available. Please check the address and try again.
This error has been happening all month and I notice some others have the same problem. I don't like to complain but I really hate to miss a block in the set.
I love your tree , so cute!!!I found by chance yours clarify blog and will give the link on mine blog. You do very nice patchwork work.My english is't good but I hope you'll understand me.Greetings from Evy
Sou Rosângela, do Brasil... e não foi o acaso que me trouxe aqui...
Amei tudo o que vi... e agradeço seu desprendimento.
Venha me visitar:
I wanted to print off the first block, but all I see is the directions for the quilt. Have you posted the first block yet somewhere? thanks!
Molly such awesome Blog you have
You are so very talented so refreshing to have a blog such
as your..I'm a new follower have
adding you to my favorites will
be back a lot... Love the Tree Time
Thanks for sharing your gifts of
sewing and quilting...
Warm Blessings
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