Trying, once again, to straighten and clean out my sewing area. Seems it can get so, so cluttered that I cannot get motivated to work on a project. Maybe the problem is that I try to work on two many projects at once. I should only have out one project at a time and work on it till it is finished. STAY FOCUSED! Oh Me--I don't know if I can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After cleaningout the closet, AGAIN, I now have a box of fabrix+ to get rid of. I was thinking it would be fun to offer fabric for comments. If you comment, I will put your name in a drawing for the box of fabric+. I will give all a week to comment then I will have someone draw the name and announce the winner. Then you will be ask to send me your snail mail address and I will mail out the fabric.
Help me get rid of some fabric (whew--that leaves a bad taste in my mouth)and get some much wanted comments. THANKS
If you link to me and tell me you did in your comment, I will add your name in twice and if you win, I will put in added fabric. Just a little added bonus.
Oh, I'd love to be entered into your drawing - scraps are the best!
How nice of you! I don't need to be entered, but thought I would leave you a comment anyway. They are fun to get, aren't they?
I just love giveaways and I'm a scrapaholic, so.......Pick me, Pick me!
I also love to get comments and I use scraps all the time in my work. I'd love to be in your drawing.
I love to be entered in your draw - always on the look out for fabric pieces - however I'm not sure if you would send to UK !!
I really like comments, too. It's fun. I'm a fellow Texan. Read your post about your son moving home. I've had that happen before. It DOES crimp your style. And now we have offered a bedroom to a young lady who needs a place to live for awhile. I have gotten soo spoiled. It is going to take some adjustment. By the way, I will put a link to your blog in my next post. Blessings to ya.
I just love other peoples scraps sooo much more than my own, send them my way please.
I'd love to take fabric off your hands. Please throw my name in the hat.
Thanks for sharing.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Love the music! It makes blog reading so much more fun!!!
I've linked to you - so throw me in twice. Those are awesome scrapw. And if I don't win ----- I'm gonna "Blame it on TEXAS!!"
Oh, boy, scraps! Please add my name to the drawing and I will blog it in my next post.
Hello Molly, I've just found your blog because you commented on mine. What fun. I shall add you to Google Reader then be back to visit regularly. I live in the UK so don't imagine you'd want to post a box of fabric that far, so you don't necessarily need to put me in your draw.
I was linked to your site from Zizzybob's blog and thought I should enter so I can win and have you send the box to her.
Love scraps!!!
I would love to give your scraps a home. My two-year-old assistant and I might disagree about who they belong to if my name is picked, but I suppose I can share!
Giving fabric away? What are you thinking? LOL I just love to see quilters share as it is amazing the fabric we all chose is a part of our life and using it or giving it or whatever is like letting go of part of our past........ anyways..... just a ramble, Good luck to all!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing- I posted about your blog as well!
Can always use more scraps for those wonder scrap quilts! Pick me too!
I'd love to be included in your giveaway! Scraps are the best!
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