Thursday, July 3, 2008


I am still in "cleaning mode". I have been need to clean and weed out for such a long time. It is ridiculous how much "stuff" I have accumulated over the 24 years we have lived in our house. Yesterday was the linen closet and another hall closet and a closet in our bedroom. Today is my cedar chest. All "keepsakes are going to be in one spot. I took 4 trash bags off yesterday.

I was not going to post today, but in my cleaning, I came across this poem written in 1988 by my mom, my sister, and me one week before Christmas. All the friends who know me know that I write poems frequently. Now you know why. My family has been doing this for years. I thought it was so appropriate for a quilting blog. I hope you enjoy it.
It's the week before Christmas
Crafting time is no more;
And quilt scraps are scattered
All over the floor.
Troy's lap quilt is ready
To put on the lining
Now why won't it fit?
And Miss Kitty's still whining.
I've got to get busy
And plan every minute,
but first I need aspirin
Before I begin it!!
My nose is all stuffy;
My head is still aching.
The timer is ringing---
(My cookies are baking.)
This quilt won't be easy, But I've got it to do
There'll be no excuses, Not even the flu.
I'd like to have ready Some spiced tea and fruitcake
For friends who drop in,
A short visit to make.
Am I doing so much to meet MY
(Could Christmas be Christmas
Without Decorations?)
My collection of angels on the mantel are kissing;
Slow down and admire them--
There's so much I'm missing!
Will all of my efforts,
My planning, my stitches,
Bring our celebration
Without any hitches?
I should pause from my rushing,
Relax and forget
That there's so much to finish
And deadlines to be met.
To seasonal sounds I'll take time to listen,
To watch the lights twinkle,
And the ornaments glisten.
If the chores aren't completed,
Now who'll take the rap?
I'll decide when I wake
From my long winter's nap!!


Rhonda said...

I love the poem Molly. You've got talents we didn't even know about.

Marlublu said...

Hi I'm Esteemarlu and boy can I relate to getting rid of a lot of stuff. I don't know how it happened, all the stuff. I just noticed it when two of my son's had left home.

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