Wednesday, May 23, 2007

15 minutes of Quilting Time in a Day--

My new tomato timer. Perfect for timing my minutes as I strive to get my minimal minutes of quilting in everyday. Most days I drift on into more time quilting, but some busier days it is a miracle if I walk into my studio (I love that word) at all. This timer reminds me of a tomato pincushion. It ticks away the minutes in a "timely fashion". The minutes pass as though they are seconds until the delicate "ding" lets me know that my goal has been met. Most days "alot" is NOT accomplished, but it seems to lead to doing more as my desire is kept alive. I find myself thinking and planning of what I will do during my ncxt session. I can't seem to wait to get there. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I am blogging right now when I could be "Busting Stash". See ya (a little Texas slang)--


Nancy said...

I've thought about getting a timer for my sewing room. To remind me to get up and move around or I'll sit and stitch for hours! And then there's days I can barely make myself do anything so the timer would be good for those days too. Cause I'd know after 15 minutes if I truly don't feel like doing anything quilty I could stop and at least say I tried.

Melinda said...

15 minutes can make a big differnce in getting things done. I love your timer, it does look just like a pin cushion.

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