My needle book love has grown to three and number 4 is about to begin. I promised that I would post one in sequence so that you could watch along with me so, that time has come.
But first, let me introduce you to book #3. My love of vintage everything is the focus. Such fun I had choosing coordinating fabrics, then matching the embroidery threads to the fabrics, then making the decisions on what laces would be added, then buttons, then ribbon closures.
This one sports a different look and style. It's actually an armchair caddy in that it will serve as a holder for all the necessary instruments and needs of my (or your) latest project.
As you open it, you notice that the closure is a ribbon attached to the back in proper position so that when tied into a bow, an opening above the bow is left large enough to slip over the button on the front and cause the closure.
The cushion along the center holds pins and needles. I used crushed walnut shells to fill it and added antique lace on each end to make it more inviting to the eye! ---EYE CANDY!
I used to own a very good camera that I used for all my blogging. That camera was stolen. All I have now is my Iphone camera. I thought that it would be great to use it and be able to blog from my phone, but I notice that my pics are just not nearly as good a quality as I am use to. I am thinking about purchasing myself a new camera. If you have any thoughts on this particular subject or any other, please leave them in the comments. I would appreciate your opinion.
This has been a wonderful day for me and my family as our pew was full and we worshiped together and sang songs of praise to God together this morning and then we gathered together with our Church family for lunch and fellowship.
I made a layered salad, which was a success and completely gone when lunch was over. Pinterest holds many Layered Salad recipes. I did not chose just one, but made mine by example and used the items I had on hand. Thought you might like to see it. This and a German Chocolate chip Pound Cake with my mothers fudge sauce was almost more than I could bear not to completely devour before I got it to the Church!! 😋
As I close, I want to say tell you that I will post again in the next day or two with the first pics of my newest needle book, stitchery case, or whatever you choose to call my creations. A differest shape?
YES! A different style? YES! But as you know, they evolve, so even I don't know just how it will look in the end.
Hope your Sunday afternoon and evening are Blessed!!
Giving God all the Glory!

Molly, you & Mr. S. Have my prayers with the surgery. God is in control & well able! Love your projects & all the little surprises inside!
I hope that Pops recovers quick and completely from his surgery. Nice needle holders. I use a cheap camera, since an expensive one would be a waste on someone like me (no photo sense at all).
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