Texas weather in August can usually be described one way---HOT! But this August has been extremely more enjoyable with cooler temperatures and small and large showers every few days. Today it's 96 and surely hot but at least it's not 100. Love the grandsons getting out and playing baseball in the backyard in the rain. Laughing and giggling! I sit and stitch and listen and watch--♥️
Here's my stitching basket that I keep by my chair. It's filled with all my supplies--a small pillow that my mother made I use in my lap to lay my work on. Also embroidery books for inspiration, patterns and stitch diagrams. Then the best part---- the thread!

I use DMC, Cosmos, Finca, and wool thread by Aurifil. I also have some hand dyed that are slightly varigated. I have enjoyed trial and error stitching with different combinations of number of threads with different stitches. Blog hopping gives me ideas of how others have been successful with their embroidery. Jenny at Elefantz uses a stablizer on the back of her design projects to stiffen the fabric and make it easier to get a finished project with no puckering. This is because she does not use a hoop. I ordered some from Amazon and love it. I used it for this project---my latest finished project, a needle book and pin keeper made from a vintage doily. This is based on a pattern from Elefantz. Go Here to find it.
In case you've forgotten what it looks like
I use DMC, Cosmos, Finca, and wool thread by Aurifil. I also have some hand dyed that are slightly varigated. I have enjoyed trial and error stitching with different combinations of number of threads with different stitches. Blog hopping gives me ideas of how others have been successful with their embroidery. Jenny at Elefantz uses a stablizer on the back of her design projects to stiffen the fabric and make it easier to get a finished project with no puckering. This is because she does not use a hoop. I ordered some from Amazon and love it. I used it for this project---my latest finished project, a needle book and pin keeper made from a vintage doily. This is based on a pattern from Elefantz. Go Here to find it.
In case you've forgotten what it looks like
Here's my second Stitchery book. I have a little book called Bare Roots. The author used a thin batting on the back of her work saying it gives a puffed or quilted look to it. So I am trying this method to see how I like it. It looks like this when laid out flat. I have not pressed it at all. I lack a few French Knots but I do have to admit that I love the look they give. I used 3 strands of floss on this piece for most of the work except for the smallest motifs and then I used 2. Seems like the batting backing warrented it.
you are about finished and the fun begins when you search for and add the final vintage add-ons--tatting, rick-rack, lace, pearl buttons This is my favorite part!!
So I am auditioning a denim colored button. In the center of the heart? or at the top? what do you think? Ill be back with the finished project.---
I've organized all my vintage laces and doilies. I'll be back in a day or five and show you what I have. Please vote for button placement in the comments below. May God Bless and Keep you as close as needle is to thread. He loves you, you know! And so do I--Until next time--
I use a phone app called Blogo
button at the top so as to leave your beautiful heart visible....I use cut and stay stabilizer behind mine to help keep the back stitching from showing through....and I use a hoop, if possible.
Mama Bear
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