We have many loading days on Fryer Ranch, but this day is special as oldest GS, Caden got to help today. A day off from school gives him the opportunity to strut his stuff (so to speak). He called Pops last night several times to make sure that he understood that he wanted to be picked up "early". He came adorned in his "cowpoke" attire of boots, jeans, and cowboy hat complete with a turkey feather. This is a key issue as you will read later. His first question is "what do I get paid"????? Pops keeps avoiding this issue until he sees just how devoted Caden is to really "helping". The cattle buyer guy-Curtis- picks up on this right away and assures Caden that HE will be glad to pay him to help. This excites Caden to no end----
As you can see Caden has his cattle stick. This stick is a very essential tool for Caden as it assures him that he will not have to get too close to any of the animals.
He decided that he liked "working the Cattle Scales. He even put down the cattle prod to do it. Pushing buttons and hollering out the cattle weights is right down his alley. Pops and Scott look own. They are the perfect examples for hollering and have taught Caden well.
The final drive up the shoot is done safely "OUTSIDE" the shoot.
A little tail gate sitting finished this job off, but the next one was soon to follow.

Isn't this just the cutest little cowboy you ever saw???
I didn't follow them the rest of the day, but Caden helped work small calves today also. I only saw him at the house when he got hungry. Bisquits and cheese and a turkey sandwich besides the lunch in town that his Pops bought for him. The boy can EAT!
Looks all too familiar. The kids have to start somewhere. We always make sure it's in a safe spot until they learn where to be and what not to do.
Great post Molly. I know exactly what Caden was thinking about being anywhere but "with" the cattle... LOL
As for the photo problem. When you rotate a photo to your liking, I've found that you have to then save the photo before you can post it. Hope that helps.
I think my picture problem has to do with Windows 7 as when I went back to my XP everything worked like a charm. ??????
I think my picture problem has to do with Windows 7 as when I went back to my XP everything worked like a charm. ??????
He is SO cute, but I guess he'd not want us to say that...because cute probably doesn't sound rugged enough for a cowboy!!! :)
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