Now, if you want a copy too, you will have to BUY ONE (sorry about your bad luck). you can now get one HOT off the presses. Just click the word HOT and it will take you straight to the place where you can order the new book ------------------------------
@ Be sure to travel around the site to see all the feather blocks that were sent in by testers AND be sure to look at her new background fabrics which are just lucious.!!
My friends and I will be making Feathered Stars next weekend at a get together, so be ready to see all the beautiful blocks that we will be posting. We have all ordered Marsha's new FS ruler which proves to be a real help when measureing and cutting out the intricate pieces of the beautiful stars.
I am also working on a few tips to make the process a little easier for me and plan to pass these tips on to my friends and hopefully on to you via my blog really soon.
Remember to go see Erin. She will guide you through making a Feathered Star with some beautifully made tutorials. If you follow her guide step by step, it will not be overwhelmed and before you know it, you will be making Feathered Stars Too.
Good Luck, friends--and may all you never lose your points!!!!! We all need all the points we can get!!!!
Are points anything like marbles? Because I think I lost those a long time ago.~~~~smile
4 comments: testers DESERVE a free book, in my opinion!!!
Way to go Molly....can't wait for DC!
Thanks for a cute chuckle--and congrats on the free book--I will look into it--does look neat!!
hugs, Di
Well done on getting the book you deserve it looks like a interesting book
Hugs Janice
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