WELCOME--PLEASE COME IN!! I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU COULD STOP BY! Please put your coat and hat on the hall tree.
Oh, you like the side board? It belonged to DH's Great Grandmother and Grandfather.
Sorry, no fire tonight. You know this Texas weather--always warm--even in the winter. Why do we HAVE a fireplace? Well, I guess we are just wishing. No, really, we do have cold weather at times in the winter. Some winters are colder than others. We are lucky to see snow in a lifetime.
(Notice my embroidery basket in front of the hearth)
I finally have a Texas tree this year. Previous trees have been full of ornaments that have been gathered year to year. Ornaments given to us by parents, ones the children made at school, or some I made and others given by friends. You know the drill. This year we have a theme tree--all TEXAS. The topper is a Cowboy Hat. One of the bears underneath is perched on an antique chair that belonged to my dad's little sister. Probably from the 1940s or before. Not really sure. The santa is made from an old quilt by my mother. It is one of my prized possessions.
Finally, I must show off Floyd. Floyd is my husbands trophy Elk. He came to live with us a few months ago. This is the only place in our house that he would fit. I am sure that there are many of you out there that have a simlar prize (Problem).
There are two parts and you must watch both. It is too late for me to gather the supplies to do this this year, but I intend to plan this for next year and I thought you might also. The darling cookie cutter comes from Macy's. On sale right now! The video discribes gadgets and tips to make these cookies a breeze. You know what--I think that there is as much improvement in cookie making as there is in quilting. They are not nearly as hard as they look! The secret is in the type of icing and the way it is put on--plus letting each color dry before starting on another. Leave it to Martha!
Oh, you have to go so soon? I was just about to offer you a hot Cranberry Wassil! Well, I hope you will come back really soon. Don't wait until NEXT Christmas. You drop by and visit anytime. Bye-Bye! AND A VERY MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS!
Oh, by the way--I usually have a "little something" for each guest that stops by during the season. All the guests that leave a comment will have a chance to win a wool pincusion made by me. The drawing will be after New years Day.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I sure could go for a cranberry wassil!!!
Can you send it by FedEx?!?!
Wow!! love looking at your decorations and the wonderful sunbonnet sue quilts. I just love vintage quilts.
Hi Molly. Your decor looks so warm and welcoming.
See you after New Year's.
I am enjoying looking at your sun bonnot sue quilts. I made one about 10 years ago. I will try to email you a picture of it.
Do you paper piece? I bought a really cute pattern book titled 24 sunbonneet sue and Overall Sam quilt blocks. It's by American school of Needlework.
I missed coming by your blog...I'm glad I found it again! I enjoyed seeing pictures of your Texas Christmas!
Your home is so great happy new year my friend
OOOO...loved the tour of your ranch and you have some beautiful things there. Would love a pincushion...that would be a bonus to discovering your blog (through the Whirl Into Winter contest) but I'll be happy just to sift through your blog bit by bit...it is SUCH fun here!
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