Block 9 is now stitched
I think it needed a little more contrast between the boot fabric and the flower fabric, but it will have to do for now. Keep this in mind when you chose your fabrics. Your choice of thread can fix this problem. Too bad I didn't do that--HA--. A contrasting thread instead of a flower matching thread would have helped. I still might just do an outline in --uh--maybe red! or cream! or gold! Oh ell, you get the picture. Just a note. My two year old DGS needed something to do hile atching innie the Pooh on my compouter. SO--he picked off my W key and chewed it up!!! Needless to say, he ill not be atching innie on MY computer anytime soon. I ask him, Cullen, what did you do to my W. He said, " Me cew it up". How can you get mad at that???? Precious. It will work, but I have to hit it extra hard, so sometimes it doesn't show up. HAHA One of the many perils of my life as a Nana.
OK--On with the next block--you know--the late one--BLOCK 10.
It's another well worn boot, a work boot, I think. It has sloshed around in the mud, blood, and poop until it's color has changed and the leather is soft and wavy. I know you must have had a pair like this before. The fall leaf gives an added touch of the Fall Flavor. Hope you enjoy and GET BUSY because I am and the November will be up in time--i hope--don't hold me to it--PLEASE! Just be patient. Love you guys! Stay cool--in all ways you can!!
One more thing. I ant to show you a pic of a block I decided not to use. I just didn't like it in the quilt. It didn't fit, but some of you might like it. If you do, e me and I will send you the pattern or maybe even post it.
I hate to ask, but I really ould like to k now if you are using/enjoying/collecting my blocks. Remember these are FREE for your personal use and if you let me know by way of a comment if you are enjoying them in some way, it kinda just keeps me pumped up to provide them for you. I love blogging, but sometimes it is hard to get around to doing it. Thanks for your support.
Molly -- love the October boot -- too, too cute!! You've done such a great job with all of these! :)
I am totally loving these blocks! I can't wait to put this quilt together. I have completed the first 8 boots. Mine aren't as pretty as yours, but I'm learning a lot! I am debating about doing a border of cowboy hats around the quilt when I finally set it. I am not very good about making the boot look dimensional and textured like you do yours. Every time I complete a block I get so excited and start fantasizing about hanging this quilt on my wall. I know it's going to be stunning when we are done! Thank you so much for all the hard work and thought that you've put into this project.
Molly I love your boots you are doing a super job with them, you are a talented designer. Now with the one you don`t like it can become the signature book on the back!! the steppin out kinda girl
I love the look of these boots. I hope to make a quilt when I get all 12 of them and after I retire from my full time job.
Molly, you are doing a great job with the boots. I love the wool and cotton mix and all the decorative stitches.
I love these boot blocks. I'm planning to make them in 2012. It will be a perfect theme for me since I live in Calgary.
Molly, I LOVE the blocks. Now I just need to get to stitching!!!!!
I love your boots and a work boot makes it so real to this ranch girl.
I had to laugh about your w key. My grandson was 3 when he pulled off half the keys of my new laptop. I could have cried. But my hubby fixed them for me. :)
I've been on the Boot Bash Block train since number one! I usually get them done right up, but September's is barely started. Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh, yes, I am really enjoying these blocks. We have a B Western Cowboy living room because of DH's love of the old cowboys. These blocks will be a birthday quilt for him in March (nothing like planning ahead). I really appreciate what you are doing for us.
I'm enjoying/collecting the boot patterns. I just haven't had time to make any. I will, I just have a few things in line first that have to be done. The boots will be for ME! (of course, I'll probably have to make multiple quilts at the same time, for my sons and hubby). Otherwise, mine will be stolen.
I am collecting them and like one of the previous comment have it on my to do list once I retire. Thank you so much for sharing!
Molly, Yess Yess Yess, I really enjoy your patterns. Thank you so much for your creative touch to each one.
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