Thursday, February 17, 2011

Caden is Eight and Finally Stitching!

Block 2 of Henrietta Whiskers is finished!  Loved every minute of this one. 

Barbara Brackman's Civil War Block of the week for this week, LOG CABIN, was thought of yesterday and actually went into my sewing room to start, but it so happens that my 8 year old grandson has been with me this week because he has the flu.  Well, as you can see from pics below, he is not VERY sick, but I have to say that he is not very WELL, either.  But when he came up from his stuper on the couch and realized that I was in my sewing room, his hot little feet hit the floor and he began starching and ironing scraps which is his usual routine.  He has pieces that will stand alone in there.  But then I told him that he could go into the closet to get more scraps and he found scraps from his beloved pillowcase----  The one he can't live without?  He talked me into making a pillowcase and I started explaining to him that there were quilting rules that he would have to follow.  In other words, no free form on a pillowcase project.  He wanted to "do it".

 Using a 1/4 inch foot, he could guide the fabric along the edge of the foot.  Sew slowly, I said and guide the fabric STRAIGHT.  It's like driving the Mule--(a concept he could understand ashe had been driving the Mule since he was 3--literally)  The seam MUST BE STRAIGHT!  He actually did really good.  We had to do a few over, but on the whole he did great.   {Can see he is a die-hard COWBOYS fan?}
 See here how he concentrated---he made a strip of squares and rectangles.  Then we moved on the sewing the strip to a longer strip of cowboy fabric.
He lost his concentration a few times on this one, but Nana only had to rip one time.  This is good news, I told him--ripping one more time will put a qwaitis on this pillowcase project!!  Needless to say, no more ripping.
That's a far as we got before having to go get little brother from daycare.  That kid always ruins my fun---says Caden.  I will have more on this project to report at a later date. 


  1. It is tough to follow the rules!!!! Too cute.

  2. I look forward to the follow-up!! he's made a great start - I love the bit about ironing and starching with stand alone pieces. Love your Henrietta block.

  3. Henrietta turned out really nice!

    And a sewer in the family...how wonderful.

  4. I think 8 is a just right age to learn to sew. I'm sure my Mother had me at the machine by the time I started school...so good that he is interested....but whenever I think I'll have a day to spend in the sewing room, something always comes up so its just hit and miss here and there.
    Mama Bear

  5. What a fun time and what a special memory for him. Time with Grandma is never forgotten. Blessings, marlene


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