Thursday, January 13, 2011


Have sew sew enjoyed the BOM and BOW that I have committed to (besides my own ;0)
Just showin off a bit--HEY-it's allowed!  After all this is MY blog, ya know.

Sponsored by Bunny Hill
Sponsored by Barbara Brackman
Just a thought to ponder--I am wondering why I love BOM'S.  I have decided it is because I can't get overwhelmed.  I have a week or a month to do ONE BLOCK.  Just ONE BLOCK.  I can't do more as I don't even have the pattern yet--sew--anyone can do ONE BLOCK, right?  Right!  Making a quilt one block at a time. 

Remember, no bitchin--only stitchin~


  1. Love the blocks. I'm thinking I'll probably do the civil war one as well. Are you using any material or 1800's civil war production fabric?

  2. I too, love BOM's.......love your blocks, they look great.

  3. I just got my Repro fabric in today!! I'm too happy to touch it yet. I love the squirrel! I think yours came out fantastic. You have the perfect fabric to work with that! I printed out the block just in case, but I'm not sure if I'm going to tackle it.

    I think I love BOMs because they always look fabulous in the end. I mean, you spend a whole month on that block, it should! Also, I hate cutting. So cutting out one block at a time is perfect for me! Goes well with my Slow Poke Quilter mentality!

  4. Love them, especially the bunny.

  5. I love your boot! also, love the trees--have almost finished all of them & beginning to work on the Jan boot!
    yes, BOM allows us to take small bites at a time--just as long as we don't try to do tooooooooo many BOMS!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  6. the blocks are so pretty. BOMs are fantasic. I love them, a Block a month is no problem but many BOMs accumulate to a lot of Blocks and the real trouble is making all those lovely blocks into quilts. You are such a temptress. I really did not want to get into any more. lol.


  7. I used to be a bom snob. I wouldn't DARE do a quilt in a box. I have done a few (in my closet), drank the cool-aid, and am happy to say that I am beginning to see the light of the sane people.

  8. Molly Fabulous job on your BOM love them you sure do have some great fabric and great music too...

  9. I am so jealous. With all that has been going on here, I haven't been able to get to Henrietta yet. But she is at the top of my to do list when I finally can get back to the studio.

  10. I relate....yep, totally relate! I am a BOMite!
    While I love the look of a quilt with oodles of repeat patterns, when I make the same block over repeatedly I get bored & find myself daydreaming...which leads to boo-boo's.
    Here's to us, the BOMites :D

  11. And it is broken down into small steps for us.....so we don't have to plan too much.....this is the same reason I like mysteries.... like Bonnie Hunter's

    Keep up the good work.....I've got to start Henrietta since my husbands name is Henry ;0).

    Happy sewing

  12. Your Squirrel block is pretty. I am working on that bom also!


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